Talented Nollywood actor Sukanmi Omobolanle’s wife (Abimbola Omobolanle) took to her official instagram page to celebrate their 10 years wedding anniversary, she posted various throwback pictures from their wedding and captioned it with:

One decade down already and forever to go by God’s grace with beautiful children. Happy wedding anniversary to us💍 Olasunkanmi 💓💓 I’m looking forward to many beautiful years and celebrations with you and Happy wedding anniversary to us @Sukanmiomobolanle.

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Even without a child their love still wax stronger. Through the smooth, rough and tough phase of life they are still there for each other.

Actor Sukanmi Omobolanle and his beautiful wife got married on 16th June, 2011. They are still expecting the fruit of the womb.

Sunkanmi Omobolanle And His Wife;

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The lovers did Nikkah(Islamic marriage) and also court marriage @Ikoyi registry.

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Happy wedding anniversary Sukanmi Omobolanle and Abimbola Omobolanle.Ten years and still counting.May Allah bless you with the fruit of the womb Amen🙏🏻

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