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A member of the Deeper Life Bible Church, Awoh Liberty has been dragged on social media after he took to different Christian groups, to post a photo of a female Corps member wearing a khaki skirt instead of the trousers mandated as the proper dress code by the NYSC.

Liberty shared the photo on various Christian Facebook groups on Sunday and on the photo, a text which reads, “No to Lucifer’s Perception. No to Satan’d Deception. We the female say no no no to trouser” can be seen.

NYSC skirt

The post then garnered mixed reactions on the groups with just a few people in support while many argued that it’s not possible to engage in physical activities in the NYSC orientation camp while wearing a skirt.

One Emmanuel Emeng described the post as “Phariseeic in behaviour with a tint of fanatism

“This uniform is an occupational clothing na, all things are lawful but not all are expedient na. Wear the trouser, you never commit sin. Dont be like the unbelievers who are not enlightened”

Toochukwu Ben Anefo, wrote,

Dear poster I put it to you that you are using the time you would have used to preach salvation, the love of Christ, righteousness to advertise frivolities. Wearing trousers or skirt is not the way to eternity with God. Only Jesus. Preach him alone and allow the Holy spirit to do his work. Shalom.”

Here’s another post and comments below,

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