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Reactions are trailing the recent statement of beautiful Nollywood actress Iretiola Doyle over the scandal tailing her daughter, Kachi.

It was reports that the beautiful noteworthy penned a vital message to trolls associating her with any bad deals done by her daughter.

Ireti Doyle, in her message, denied having a partnership with her daughter and warned the public not to associate her with her daughter’s business.

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Reacting to this development, Nigerian’s in the comment section shared the actress’s plight and backed up her actions.

Another user identified as doanything claimed Ireti Doyle is a fraudster, stating ‘mother of a fraudster is a fraudster’.

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doanytin4cloutt: A mother to a FR@UDstar is also a FR@UD star. Periodt

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oluwaseunsakaba4: At first u said the person scamming was a fake page not ur daughter page!!! Why are u now putting a disclaimer on ur page??? Did u advertise for ur daughter or not???? When pple complain to u what did u do??? Pls spare me dis sermon abeg. U can only deceive the gullible ones..

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nikriel_blog: She’s right oo… The daughter should be held accountable for her actions. Leave her mother out of it

By admin

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