Anita Joseph Olagunju is an household name in the entertainment industry. This 36-years-old Nollywood Actress came into the limelight a few years ago.
This is one of the best things that has happened to her and she always shows off her husband on her social media page. According to her last post on Instagram, Anita revealed what happened when she met her husband for the first time in 2017.
He was an is a Hype man but her best friend didn’t like him when they first met at a party. The name of her husband is Mc Real Fish.
Anita added that she was not convinced with what her friend said because no one understand how true love works. She has no reason to regret her decision that day which is one of the why she is happily married to him.
In other words, Anita Joseph and Her Husband, Real Mc Fish have a lot of differences between them and this hasn’t affected their love and marital affair. They got married to each other in February 2020. Anita Joseph has one or two children and there is no chance for Mc Fish to be the father if what she said about how they met is through.
Despite their 8 years age difference, Anita Joseph has boosted her husband’s career in the entertainment industry. Mc Fish is just 27 years old and her wife is 35. Nollywood Actress who are not married or have failed marriage always gets dragged of not being able to keep a man which has never happened to Anita Joseph.
Age is just a number when it comes to love affairs and listening to a friend’s advice about your love affairs which are meant to be secret is very dangerous. Things might have been different if she is married to someone else because of her friend’s advice. Although her friend may have good intentions.