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Screenshot 20211213 194401

A Popular Twitter Influencer known as Jack, has been commended on the micro-blogging platform for the amazing gift he gave his daughter on her first birthday.

Jack built a sachet and bottle water production factory in his daughter’s name and proudly declared that it is his first investment towards her future.

Sharing photos of his wife and his baby girl, he wrote ;

For Lily’s one year birthday, I built a sachet and bottle water production factory in her name.

This is my first investment towards her future. I sincerely hope she will appreciate this gift as she grows older.

…From water comes freedom.

Let me add that our bottle water production will start in Q2 2022 by the grace of God.

Sachet water production is already on.

Happy Birthday to you my Lilyflower, my little Angel, my joy and peace of mind. You are the Lord’s promise of Love and Abundance to me.

You are the best thing that’s happened to me and your mum. The best gift from God any human could ever ask for. I love you with my life.

By admin