Our Joy is to always Make Sure we Entertain our Users with trending News and Here we are today, A chat Between Segun And Actress Toyin as finally Reveal The reason why she cheats on her Ex-husband…..kindly Read the full chat. The love turmoil has engulfed the Nollywood mediasphere, and we’ve all resorted to shrinks to forget about it. Adeniyi Johnson was on Ebuka’s Rubbin’ Minds a few days ago, and among the numerous things he stated was that actress Toyin Aimakhu began cheating on him while they were still married with the universally famous (thanks to Mr. Real) Seun Egbegbe.
And, of course, there’s a video of Legbegbe, oh, Egbegbe, claiming that he and Toyin dated 15 years ago and that they resumed their relationship on May 31, 2016. They were still together at the time, according to Johnson, and two months later they celebrated their wedding anniversary.
So, upon seeing this groundbreaking news, I got on the phone and called Miss Toyin Abraham. Below is our conversation.
ME: Miss Toyin Aimakhu
Abraham, please. ME: Sorry. Miss Abraham. It’s hard to keep up these days. Blame Nigeria. Even our president can’t keep up with the things wrong with him.
TOYIN: [nervous laughter] This one that TNS called me today. What’s up?
ME: Haba! TNS has been willing to call youth. Remember when we wanted you to come for an interview at our office and you said we should talk to your manager?
TOYIN: But you people did not call him ahh. ME: Before! Abi we have called his ni.
TOYIN: LOL! ME: So, anyway, why I call. Have you seen it? TOYIN: What?
ME: It.
TOYIN: What it? [Pauses] Oh… the oyinbo horror film?
ME: [whispers] No. The Alakada horror film.
TOYIN: Can’t hear you. ME: The idea. I mean your former husband’s interview. TOYIN: Which one?
ME: Sorry. I momentarily forgot that they are plenty. The one before last. TOYIN: It’s been a long since I watched an interview.
ME: Oh. Adeniyi Johnson did one with Ebuka.
TOYIN: Ok? What did he say again? He Kuku likes to run his mouth.
ME: He ran that you were cheating on him with Seun Legbegbe…
TOYIN: Egbegbe. His name is Egbegbe. And you’re a journalist o.
ME: Don’t mind me. Legbegbe. Sorry, Let’s just use Seun. Niyi said you were already seeing Seun before you guys separated as man and wife.
TOYIN: That’s what he said?
ME: Yep. And that’s why I’ve called. Is it true?
ME: [shocked] I mean, is it true that you were seeing another man while still married to Niyi?
TOYIN: Ehn, I said yes Nah.
ME: Wawu!
TOYIN: Why are you acting all surprisingly? ME: Because I am ‘surprisingly
’ TOYIN: When Niyi could not do me very well know
ME: Oh.. he didn’t treat you right? But he looks like a nice dude.
TOYIN: [scoffs] Is it about nice? I said somebody cannot do well, you say he resembles na ice person.
ME: [beginning to catch the gist] You mean he wasn’t a great destroyer?
TOYIN: He wasn’t o!
ME: Really?
TOYIN: Yes. He was just there. The highest we ever went was one and a half.
ME: [amplifies surprise] I am ‘surprisingly’.
TOYIN: So do you expect me to stay with such a man? I reconnected with Seun. You know we had dated before, years ago?
ME: They said so.
TOYIN: Who are they?
ME: Seun and Niyi.
TOYIN: They were together on Ebuka’s show?
ME: [sigh] No. But they both mentioned that at separate times.
TOYIN: Ok. So when I and Seun reconnected and he gave me what I had been missing, I had no choice. I’m a woman Nah, Segun. An African woman at that.
ME: So African women cheat?
TOYIN: That’s not what I meant jor. African women like strong men.
ME: Aha! Men like me. TOYIN: I didn’t hear you. Network.
ME: Never mind. Didn’t say anything I wanted you to hear.
TOYIN: Ok. But please help me ask Nigerians. What would they have done if they were in my shoes? Niyi just looks tall and handsome. He cannot take me to heaven on the bed.
ME: Ah! Heaven is not on the bed.
TOYIN: You know what I mean now. I’m sure you’re a strong man. I see all the things you write. You remember we met at NEC Live last year.
ME: [stammers] Errr, yes. I think we did. Erm, I’m sorry. I reed to go. Thank you for your time.
TOYIN: Segun, wait…