Actress Bimpe AkintundeActress Bimpe Akintunde
Actress Bimpe Akintunde

Seasoned Nollywood actress Bimpe Akintunde is marking a new year today, May 10.

The Actress and filmmaker has taken to her Instagram page to mark her big day with lovely photos.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME. Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast. A house into a home. A stranger into a friend…With the heart full of gratitude. I say ALIAMDULILAHI TO MY OWNER.. ALIAMDULILAHI TO THE ONE THAT LEND ME LIFE AND LIVING.…..ALHAMDULILAH ROBIL ALAAMIN.”

Yet in another post with new sets of photos the movie star also known as Wasila Coded wrote, ” Another 365 days is gone , its a new dawn and a new chapter of my life , A strong woman may not have it all rosy in life but inbetween she still does all that needed to be done , I am thankful for Life, for Strength and for Grace , Ya Allah who am I that you have been so mindful of me……..Alhamdulilah will continue to be my song Insha Allah🙏, Happy birthday to me Yeyelaje Debimpe Amoke.”

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