Stan NzeStan Nze
Stan Nze

Since making his acting debut 13 years ago in “Private Sector”, a popular TV series; and scoring his first major role as a serial killer with bipolar disorder in a blockbuster feature film, Murder at Prime Suites, Stanley Ebuka Nzediegwu, now professionally known as Stan Nze, has not taken his foot of the gas.

However, a lot of people perceive him to be a bad boy, well he said otherwise during an interview with Simple Magazine, ” I think the biggest misconception people have a about me is that I am probably a bad boy, but I’m a church boy, a child of Jesus and a family man.”

As an actor who has played several characters in different films, is there any challenging role Stan Nze is still looking forward to playing? He said, “When people ask me this question it’s hard to say, because I have played a lot of roles, to be honest there is not a lot available in Nollywood at this time, because what people are writing, some people have some scripts they have written but they keep saying we can not make it now due to different reasons so we are not there yet. For what is obtainable right now I think I have played virtually everything, there is nothing off the top of my head I think I want to play but when I read it, I will know. I am working on something right now, that is really action with Remote Studios; Tosin Ego is directing it and I’m really excited about it because it is really intense and they have great plans for it, maybe those things I couldn’t achieve with Rattlesnake I will achieve with this.”

Stan Nze is happily married to his senior colleague, Blessing Jessica Obasi.

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