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Simi has revealed why her male colleagues are more privileged than the females while performing on stage.

Simi Ogunleye who earlier caused a stir online after she called out Yoruba men for their deceptive behaviour, has taken to Twitter to reveal that her male colleagues are more privileged while performing on stage because when male singers perform, they do so without heels and make up and when they start sweating they can remove their shirt without even thinking about it. Simi declared this as being ‘privileged’

She wrote:

“Men be on stage singing without heels and make up. They start sweating small like this, they off shirt without even thinking about it. If that’s not privilege, I don’t know what is 😅 “

While some of her fans agreed with her, others disagreed saying that women can do without heels and shirts while performing on stage

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𝐉𝐚𝐡 ♱@SoloJah1
Women can wear can and remove shirts
I promise you no man will stop em

Aunty Simi, u for try off your shirt too, if AG baby no go wipe u cord for neck 😌😆

😂😂😂simi you are free to take off your shirt😮‍💨let those titties be free💆🏽‍♀️

Turbo Timooo@holy_man_Chel
Who send you to wear heels and makeup?

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