1659788704244Zainab Bakare
Zainab Bakare

Actress, Zainab Bakare, says she sees no reason to be discreet about getting a butt lift, which is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the buttocks.

In an interview with Saturday Beats, she said, “I feel nobody will beat me for saying the truth. Why should I hide? I don’t have to hide because I am not living my life for people.”

On why she got the butt lift, Bakare said, “It is not that I was not comfortable with my body. I just got tired of waist training. I am a perfectionist when it comes to dressing up and I got tired.

When people hug me, there is always that hardness there for me (caused by feeling the waist trainer). I got irritated at some point, so I felt if I could get the procedure with my money.”

On how she feels after undergoing the procedure, she said, “When there is something disturbing one, and that thing goes away, one feels relieved. That is exactly how I feel.”

The actress also maintained that she has no words for people who condemn butt implants. She said, “I don’t have anything to say to them. For those who want to do it, I will just advise them to go to the right hospital where it will be done well without complications.

If one has the money and one feels one’s stomach is too big, or one is not comfortable with one’s body, one can go for it. It is not a big deal. Like doctors often say, every surgery has a 50/50 chance, no matter how small it is.

I don’t know why people condemn it so much to the point of making those who do it feel like they are committing a sin.”

Speaking on how she feels at this point in her career, Bakare said, “I am not there yet but I am thankful to God for how far He has brought me. I pray for more strength, grace, and all the good things of life.”

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