Baba IjeshaBaba Ijesha
Baba Ijesha

Reaction trails has two new posts update surface on the verified social media account of actor Baba Ijesha.

Many wondered how Baba Ijesha was able to update on social media account while serving a jail term.

Baba Ijesha is currently serving after being found guilty of sexually assaulting a minor.

In one of the posts, Baba Ijesha urges his fan to subscribe to his page and appreciates his fans and prays to God will continue to bless them.

The post read:

Please help me to subscribe to my page by clicking on subscribe button above the page. You can be cancel the subscription at any time. Thank you all my family, friends and fans for all your kindness, prayers, helps and supports. I really appreciates each and everyone of you and I pray Almighty God will continue to bless you all for me…Amen

While some fans pray for him, some question if Baba Ijesha has access to his while serving his jail term.

See reactions below:

Screenshot 20220816 134047
Screenshot 20220816 134104

After servals reactions, the content on one of the posts was edited, specifying that Baba Ijesha is being manage by one of his admin:

The post read:

Subscibe to Babaijesha’s page to support his page. You can cancel the subscription at any time. This is admin on behalf of Babaijesha and He’ll like thank you all family, friends and fans for all your kindness, prayers, helps and supports. He really appreciates each and everyone of you and pray Almighty God will continue to bless you all…Amen

NGV take a quick look into the edit history of the update and we found out that the initial post was edited a few hours after posted.

See below:

Screenshot 20220816 134235

By admin