‘I was just shouting ‘God, I’ll make it, I’ll make it’  – Christabel Egbenya shares her first labour room experience‘I was just shouting ‘God, I’ll make it, I’ll make it’  – Christabel Egbenya shares her first labour room experience
‘I was just shouting ‘God, I’ll make it, I’ll make it’  – Christabel Egbenya shares her first labour room experience

Newly married Nollywood actress, Christabel Egbenya has shared her motherhood journey and some changes that she has encountered since she had her first child a few weeks ago.

In an interview with Nollygistvibes, the actress who married one of her fans also listed some lessons motherhood journey has taught her.


What has changed about you since you had your baby?

A whole lot has changed since I had my baby. Now, I really know what motherhood is all about.

A lot of things changed about me, about life, the way I reason, the way I see things has automatically changed.

What lessons has motherhood taught you?

Bringing another soul is something else. It has taught me a whole lot of lessons. Christabel has changed. Ever since I had my baby, my mentality, my reasoning has changed.

My world, the ‘baby girl’ life and everything else, changed for now, I think till after having all my kids.

You know you have to give your children time, you have to check up on them, you have to take care of them. 

Even if you have nannies, you won’t be comfortable. You’d still want to show them that mother’s love even if you have a lot of people taking care of them. That bond is something else, you just don’t know how to explain it.

Did you have any funny or embarrassing labour room experience?

When it comes to labour room (laughs). If you were there, you will know not believe it’s the same Christabel talking with you now. It was not funny at all. The painful experience is not something I can explain. The only thing I can remember I was saying was ‘God’, that was the only thing I shouted throughout and when I was asked to push, I said one funny thing which I don’t want to say now. I was just like, “God, I’ll make it, I’ll make it.” 

I just pushed twice and my baby came out but the pain wasn’t funny.

What do you love most about her daddy?

About her daddy, OMG! He is the best man I’ve ever come across in this world. He’s just a lovely, kind soul, humble, gentle, I’m just blessed to have him.

All the time I waited for the right one, God eventually have me someone very nice. My mother-inlaw and entire family, also nice.

I’m at peace with him and comfortable. He’s such a lovely soul. He’s a good father, my best friend and he respects me so much such that he puts me first before everything else.

Do you feel fulfilled as a mother?

Yes, I feel so fulfilled as a mother. One thing I’ve always wanted in life is to have my own kids because  I love children.

How many more kids would you love to have?

If you’ve watched me so far, you’d know that I dont don’t joke with kids. I love children so much. So, I’ve always prayed to have my kids and now, God has blessed me immediately with a bouncing baby girl and I’ve always wanted to have a baby girl first because I know that baby girls will always help me.

My girl will help me to take care of her brothers and God blessed me immediately with her.

By the grace of God, I wish to have two more which will make them three but according to my husband, he wants us to have three more but the experience! Either way, by the grace of God. Three more but two more for me but my husband has been begging me to have three more. By the grace of God, we will.

What kind of movie roles will you reject now because of your status?

I don’t think I’m rejecting any role because my husband loves movies so much. Normally, I don’t do bad roles in the industry, I just do normal movies. We don’t actually do all those kissing, rubbing, and everything in Nigerian movies. We don’t do it anymore. So, I’m rejecting any role, I’ll still be acting. I’ve even started acting. I did a movie recently but I didn’t show anybody. I didn’t let people know that I’ve started working. I just want my baby to come up small so I can start shooting again because you know one has to travel around. So, she can be strong a little bit and this is my first child, I have to give her time.

I’d start mine too and I’d be producing too. My husband is also in support of me working for people and doing my movies because he loves movies. He was actually my fan before we got married.

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