only gave them the madness they paid for, I wasn’t high on any colorado” – portable to fans (VIDEO) only gave them the madness they paid for, I wasn’t high on any colorado” – portable to fans (VIDEO)
 only gave them the madness they paid for, I wasn’t high on any colorado” – portable to fans (VIDEO)

Portable have explained to netizens that the video going round that he took colorado which affected him on stage wasn’t true.

According to Mr pot 😜 he made it clear that he is the street madness and they paid for it then he gave them what they paid for.

He also emphasized that incase you need a madness to be displayed to you just call his manager and pay and you would definitely get what you paid for with no stress.

In a nut 🌰 shell 🐚😂😂…..he delivers madness, just pay first and see…

Watch the video below;

By admin