Mustapha Sholagbade took to his verified Instagram page, shared a photo of his aged grandmother and a warming caption expressing their closeness. The award-winning actor revealed how delighted he was to link up with his grandmother after a long time, stating he is confused about praying for her longevity in life.
Mustapha Sholagbade also appreciated his grandmother’s love for him when he was a child and how funny she was even when she was mean.
He wrote: My Grandma. So happy to set my eyes on you again. May God be pleased with you I don’t know if to say God should grant you Longlife at 100+. Abi ??😂😂
She still dey wear wig , wear high heels, Eat meet do whole lot of things Muniratu Ayoka Sholagbade. (mama Layi) I pray for this grace too. Longlife in good health and wealth. Amin🙏🏿
Thank you for all you do when I was a kid
She’s so funny even when she’s mean I always laugh and call me Shamuga (big Teeth)🤣
Good to set my eyes on you again
I love you Iya Layi🤴