1664794078023Adeyinka Alaseyori
Adeyinka Alaseyori

Gospel singer, Adeyinka Alaseyori has honored her husband, Dave, with the most beautiful tribute as he turns a year older today, October 3, 2022.

NGV reports that the heavily pregnant singer and soon-to-be mum of two, Adeyinka Alaseyori appreciated her husband for all the times he came through when she mostly needed him.

“Not only did you support me when we started the ministry but you believed in the vision and you propelled me to start. You helped in getting most of these guys together 13years back. There are times you offend me, times we have our arguments, times I blame you for everything, times I cry because you didn’t support my decision, times I just let go and keep moving, times you need me and am not available, and times you needed someone to talk to and am ministering elsewhere, times you endure so many things, my mouth sharp still na you go still dey calm for me. I will still blame you for not talking, times I sha want to start a fight.

In all, thank you for being you and loving me as you do. I don’t have time for epistle but make I drop this for you. You deserve more than this though. Normal me you no say I no go write anything than Happy Birthday but thank you for your sacrifice n spending much time with us. We love you babes.”

Adeyinka Alaseyori celebrates husband

Adeyinka Alaseyori further revealed how her husband enjoys taking back stage just for her to shine for the family.

“I know you would rather be backstage while I take the shine for everything our family and ministry represent but on this special day of yours, I will tell the world how much you do and how involved you are even from distance. Thanks for pushing me when I need to be pushed. Thanks for being a proper support system. Thanks for being my brake system when I need to stop. Thanks for riding with me through the storms.

You said our Journey wouldn’t be perfect but through the help of God, we will always pull through, I believe you. I and the kids love you so very much. “

Adeyinka Alaseyori adeyinkaalaseyori %E2%80%A2 Instagram photos and videos

Adeyinka and her husband go on vacation
Earlier this year, Gospel singer, Adeyinka Alaseyori stormed Quatar, Doha with her husband and son for a family vacation.

For those who may not know Adeyinka Alaseyori, she is a gospel singer who made the song Oni Duro Mi which means My Guarantor, in the English language.

She was blasted by famous and veteran gospel artist Tope Alabi some months back over her song; however, Tope Alabi has since apologized to Adeyinka.”

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