Actress Kemi Afolabi stirs reactions with her new lovely outfit.Actress Kemi Afolabi stirs reactions with her new lovely outfit.
Actress Kemi Afolabi stirs reactions with her new lovely outfit.
Actress Kemi Afolabi stirs reactions with her new lovely outfit.

Nigeria actress Kemi Afolabi advised that it is not a must for people to go to any house of God to worship before they communicate with God.

Kemi Afolabi stated this on her Instagram page, as she shares a video of an African Pastor flogging his congregations inside the chrch.

Sharing the video, Kemi emphasized that, God is everywhere and people can create their own space instead of makoing it compulsory to go to mosques or churches to communicate with God.

In her words, she wrote:

You don’t have to go to church or the mosque to communicate with the Almighty God keh🤷‍♀️create your own space anywhere convenient and quite! God is there!! God is everywhere👍

Reactions from her followers
olu_writes :Hmm!!! Please don’t use this scenario to sway people’s mind from a church/mosque! God is everywhere( that is a common knowledge), as well as it is a commandment to not forsake the fellowship of the saint. This scenario is just an unfortunate one, it doesn’t mean there are no good prophets in the society. Respectfully saying ma🙏🏽

onwuama_james: If you say that; it also means it’s not also necessary for our kids to go school. One can easily teach them all this things or better still get a home teacher for them, because not everything they teach them in school will be used in the labor market.. Sincerely! It’s pertinent we encourage our selves to go to church or mosque. For when 2 or 3 persons are gathered in the name that is bigger than every other name(JESUS) God is there!!!!

priscy_xxo: No you have to go to church because if anything the gospel is about reconciliation, fellowship and FAMILY because GOD loves the gathering of believers. 1 John 1:3 I think the real issue here is lacking of understanding. Being able to differentiate what church you should and shouldn’t go to! If anything Jesus was flogged so that we wouldn’t go through that. This right here is madness. Members wouldn’t chop cain if they attend the right church with the right doctrines. Shalom❤️

triple_a59: Madam don’t saying what you don’t know I know you are trying to generalised is due to your status so that people don’t call you names but hey don’t be scared of people and go against God because Allah commanded we Muslims to go to mosque to pray especially men so what’s that for ? Are you asking us as your followers not listen to what Allah say in the Quran?

doublestarayo: @triple_a59 she dare not tell us such nah cos we Muslims are Servants of Allah God Almighty and we have no choice other than obey His Instructions in the Holy Qur’an to the letter🙌❤️❤️ May Allah Continue to Strengthen, Guide, Guard and Bless us as we strive more to Obey and follow His Commandments. Ameen 🙌❤️❤️

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