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D’marion and Ayden Young, Adunni Ade’s sons, represent the world to her and are “every fiber of my existence,” she said on Instagram.

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Her father was upset, according to the popular actress, because she (his first daughter) became pregnant out of wedlock while still a senior in college.
Her mother, on the other hand, was there for her during the “worst time” of her life.

The thespian tweeted, “I’m sharing some images with you.”

“These past few days have been overwhelming! I remember when I found out I was pregnant with D’marion, it felt like the world came caving in on me. A whole lot happened to me. My Dad was so hurt that his first daughter was pregnant (out of wedlock, I understood ). I was a senior at college. It was the worst time of my life. All financial support was cut off! I was ill. My mom did all she could to stand by me. I felt as though I had failed in life as my Hero was disappointed in me. I began facing so many challenges in life. My heart was so fragile I thought I’d never make it through because of how terrible my life had become.
We didn’t have much! I mean nothing! One thing that kept me going was D’marion. The way he looked at me, gave a different meaning to LIFE. His eye balls would pierce into my soul. He gave me HOPE! I recall promising him for as long as I had breathe in me, I would be the best Mother I could be.
Fast forward 4 years later, Ayden comes along. I recall being so upset ! I got to go through the hurt, the pain all over! Damn! But this time around I was more determined! More focused in being successful for my 2 lil princes. Ayden brought a different vibe to life, to live my life unapologetically.
When I tell you my boys are my world, I mean it with every fiber of my existence.
I’m no where near my goals in life but I tell you something! Things have changed! I get asked a lot how I do it, I simply answer “I just do it!” I recall working 2-3 jobs just to make ends meet. Leave out 4:30am back after midnight. This consistent hard work is years of labor!
These 2 miracles of mine have given me a chance to live again! My drive! My focus!
All I have done! All I am! All for my Boys. Thank you D’marion
Thank you Ayden for giving me a reason to live again!
I’d like to dedicate #soólèthemovie to every woman, every man who have been cheated out of life. Know that for as long as you’ve got Life, you got Hope. Keep pushing! Stay focused! What is yours will never pass you by.
I am unapologetically ME!
Thank you Nigeria for accepting me
Thank you World for rocking with me and embracing my craft.

By admin