Marry! Marry!! see what it has caused. Shirt wey I never snap picture with, you don run am.” — Adekunle Gold reacts as his wife, Simi rocks his new shirt (Photos)

Nigerian Singers, Adekunle Gold and Simi are marriage goals!

Simi had taken to her Instagram page to share new photos of herself rocking a green shirt and a bikers short while gushing over her beauty.

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She captioned the photos: “how can you be this fine without sharing your testimony. Also my nails are so f*ked up. pulled out four of em yesterday, but if anybody ask me, i’ma say i was born this way.”

Reacting to the post, her husband, Adekunle Gold taunted her in the comment section by revealing that she shirt she rocked was his, a shirt he’s never worn nor snapped picture with. “Shirt wey I never snap picture with, you don run am. Marry! Marry! na hin be this?!”

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See their exchange below!



Check out more of the photos below;

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