Woli Agba

If you are on the social media, especially on Instagram or Facebook it is likely for you to have come across comedy skits done by Ayo Ajewole popularly known as Woli Agba and his extremely funny crew. thank

Using Instagram Parish Minister ( IPM ) as the name of the White Garment Comedy Church. Woli Agba as a worthy partner in progress who is part of the extremely funny crew. Olamide Oladimeji Who is popularly known as Dele Omo Woli. The two of them are something else when it comes to cracking people up with their comic creativity.

Dele Omo Woli is from Ijebu State but he was born in Ibadan. He went to both primary and secondary in same Ibadan before going on to attend the Polytechnic of Ibadan where he studied Business Administration at the National Diploma (ND) level. Some years ago he got married to a beautiful woman and he has a very handsome boy.

He shares his photos on Instagram to wish himself happy birthday as he wrote;

Happy birthday to me 🕺🕺🕺❤️ GOD KEPT ME

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