Nkechi Blessing

Nollywood actress, Nkechi Blessing Sunday has recreated Mercy Aigbe Outfit and posture as she has promised her colleague that she would.


Nkechi Blessing took to her Instagram page today to announce that she has finally recreated the style as she has promised Mercy Aigbe. Nkechi seems not to fancy the Outfit alone but the posture made with the outfit which she recreated so well. The outfit was introduced by Mercy Aigbe on 31st December which she posted on her Instagram page.

On seeing the photo, Mercy Aigbe posted the photo alongside the one she took in December. She demanded to know who rocks the outfit best. Nkechi Blessing threw a comment minutes later admitting Mercy Aigbe rock the outfit best.


Mercy Aigbe at the left, Nkechi Blessing at the right. Photo credit: Instagram(@mercyaibge).


I think they all did justice to the outfit. One could hardly outline the defect in both photos. They both look beautiful and the outfit looks perfect on them. The posture is bossy which makes it look more eloquent.

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