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Popular comedienne, ANITA ASUOHA otherwise known as Warri Pikin has finally replied critics and admirers alike who have always questioned her for the way she worships her husband like an oracle.

Anita’s marriage has been a wonderful union to witness over the years and she shared the secret on how they have been able to work and live together in harmony.

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Taking to Instagram to share a number of adorable photos of herself with her husband, Warri Pikin wrote;

“Anita You too worship this your husband like Oracle!
You too carry this your husband for head like La Kpa La Kpa!
Why? The why dey d 7th Slide

In the video she shared, Warri Pikin’s husband stated, “The husband should not be a taskmaster; you don’t need to show muscle to be the head. Marriage is a teamwork; your wife is not your slave. You are meant to support your wife especially when it comes to attaining a heart goal.”

Click the link to watch the video below;

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