While many are running away from blood oaths due to its very frightening implications, lovers have decided to go through the unholy path to remain loyal in their relationship.
According to hearsay, blood oath is the most binding covenant any two people or groups of people can enter into.
Once committed to the only way out of it is by the death of one or both of the covenant makers. It is something that is never entered into lightly.
Knowing fully well about the consequences, the couple went ahead with the blood oath as an option to express their love for each other.
In a video shared by the lady on TikTok, it captured the lovers using a needle-like object to prick their fingers for bloods and they joined hands together to seal the oath.
In a follow-up video, the man brought out a ring as he proposed to his lover and she affirmed.
The video generated massive reactions as they expressed their displeasures following the couple’s way of staying loyal.
Watch the video below: