Decency and indecency in clothing and fashion is once again in public discourse after Nigerian singer, Tiwa Savage, showcased an outfit that she wore to an event. The outfit which was worn with no bra showcased Tiwa’s nipples and left very little to the imagination.

The outfit naturally has led to a conversation about dressing, fashion, decency and indecency. In a funny twist of fate, the topic came up to comedian Bovi during his interview with The Guardian. First, Bovi was asked about the rise of skitmakers and what he predicts their future will be, and then he was asked about fashion and decency. Here is what Bovi said on both issues.
During Bovi’s interview, he was first asked about skitmakers. He was asked: “Some people are of the opinion that skit making is becoming a sort of threat to Stand Up Comedy. What is your take on this?” Bovi said:
BOVI: I think it is a very stupid assumption. Skit making is skit making, Stand Up Comedy is Stand Up Comedy. There has always been skit making. Before social media, there was always skit making. So, I don’t know where the theory that one affects the other comes from. It makes absolutely no sense, and I hate to indulge in the topic because, even before social media, we used to use skits to promote our shows. People can watch skits and still go for shows. All the comedy shows that held this year filled up and sold out. All the skits made went viral. So, who is trying to bring the idea that one suppresses the other? It makes absolutely no sense. I don’t think I ever want to talk about this again.
“Do you think that skit makers have a future in comedy?”
BOVI: As a human being, whatever you feel you can do, you should give it a shot. There are people who are skit makers, stand-up comedians, actors, writers and producers, like me. There are people who are musicians and actors and comedians. So, whatever rocks your boat you should do it. If you succeed, all well and good, If you don’t, try again. If you feel you can’t after trying several times, you let it go. It is as simple as that. Anybody can do whatever they want to do. You are a journalist today. You can decide that you want to act, and then you get your shot. No one petitioned it. So, why are we trying to box people? Everybody is welcome – that is my idea.
Then, on the topic of fashion, Bovi was asked: “What does fashion mean to you?” to which he said:
BOVI: Covering your nakedness.
“What about those who don’t cover their nakedness?”
BOVI: It is their style of fashion. Nobody goes completely naked and says its fashion. If you are scantily covered and it rocks your boat, all well and good. Fashion is putting on something to preserve your decency while being stylish about it.