Nollywood actress Joke Silva is one of Nigeria’s most famous and most recognizable actresses today. She is also one half of one of the most famous Nigerian celebrity couples ever – Olu Jacobs and Joke Silva.
During a recent appearance of Joke Silva on Mercy Johnson Okojie’s show, “Mercy’s Menu”, Joke Silva opened up about her aversion to cooking, and the real reason why she has personally not cooked in a very long time. She also opened up about the romantic side of Olu Jacobs, amidst more. Here is what Joke Silva said.
During the interview, Joke Silva was asked “Do you cook?” She responded:
JOKE SILVA: Uhmmm, I haven’t done so in a looong time.
“It has been long you cooked? Why is that?”
JOKE SILVA: Well I guess I’m just at that age where you’ve taught all the younger people in the house how you like your food, how daddy likes his food, you know. So you just say “okay today we are having this, tomorrow we are having this”. Actually, I tend to work with a time table so there is a staple for Monday, Tuesday, all the way right up to Sunday.
“Now that you are a grand mom and you are a mom, what is the difference between being a grand mom and a mom? Does it make you softer or harder?”
JOKE SILVA: Well you kind of are gentler with the grand children and harder with the grown up ones. You are a bit tougher and you also have a bit more time for the grand children when they bring them. They are returnable to the owners [laughs].
“When they are around, do you cook for them? Do they insist that grand mom makes something for them to eat?”
JOKE SILVA: No. No, I mean. I have my chef.
“You said Uncle Olu is the one who liked to cook. You cooked because you had to, tell us about that.”
JOKE SILVA: When we were dating in England, we both liked to go out for dinner and things like that. When we got back home, got married and things, going out for dinner at that time was really crazily expensive. So all dinners and everything were at home. And he realized that I really didn’t like cooking that much. I was good at it, but I just didn’t enjoy it. It was like a chore. But he liked to cook.
“This is so romantic and it strikes me like Uncle Olu is a very romantic person.”
JOKE SILVA: He is actually. He is rather. He is the more romantic one.

Awwww! That is so sweet. It is so nice that Olu Jacobs seemed to be very understanding of Joke Silva’s hatred for cooking even though she was good at it, and did not make too much of a fuss about it. It’s good to see couples understanding each other like that and not getting too hung up on gender roles.