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Instagram comedian, Sirbalo Comedy has taken to the platform to show off an 8-bedroomm apartment he built for his mother.

The comedian recounted how his mother will always come to where he was working as a bar man between 2014-2015 to pray with him.

Sirbalo who noted that his mother will always end the prayer with “one day I know you will make me proud”, stated that her prayer is now working.

He wrote;

Just completed 8 bed room house for my lovely Mother. I remember 2014 -2015 when I was a BAR MAN at CHAMBER GARDEN in IGANDO. Every 6am my mom will call me a pray with me till 6:30am (devotion) and she will end the prayer with. My son one day you will make me PROUD. That pray is working now IYAMI. Iyami ma jeun omo.

His post below;

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